GPS for Work

We help companies and organizations with challenging workplace situations: Diversity and inclusion, workplace challenges, traumatic events, conflict and difficult conversations

We all know that difficult situations can arise in the workplace that can be best addressed by thoughtful and brave conversations. When faced with difficulties, employees can become stressed and can benefit from opportunities for connection to share their thoughts and feelings. Bring GPS groups into the workplace and move your team out of a difficult situation and towards connection and productivity. GPS can provide facilitator training for your leaders or bring in GPS facilitators to lead your team or company in the opportunity to connect, speak honestly, name challenges and move away from difficulties and back to a productive place.

“GPS changed the culture of our team. During our GPS group we were able to talk about a really difficult situation. When we were done we were definitely in a new and better place!”

“Covid has been such a trauma for all of us. We’ve had losses and illnesses. After we attended the GPS group, we felt like we were finally able to acknowledge how hard it’s been and take a breath. It didn’t eliminate our pain but it made it easier by knowing we weren’t alone.”

Group Peer Support